Heritage Project

Meet our Heritage Officer and Blogger . . . .

Over the next few years, we will be investigating the history and archaeology through a series of community projects. If you would like to contribute to this project, volunteer or have stories or photographs of ‘Old Breedon’ please get in touch.

Rachel Askew, the latest recruit to the Breedon Priory Fan Club! “I’m an archaeologist by trade (star find – an Anglo-Saxon ‘princess’ complete with glass bowls and gold necklace), with a particular liking for castles and (of course) monasteries and churches. I’m particularly keen on telling stories about the past, whether that’s the Earl of Shrewsbury moaning about his wife, Bess of Hardwick, or a plot to capture a Civil War fort using a herd of cows.

I’ve loved Breedon Priory for as long as I’ve lived in the area and I’m really looking forward to discover your stories about the church and its community and sharing them with you all. In the meantime, if you see someone ferreting in the churchyard undergrowth or staring at church walls for long periods of time, don’t worry – it’s probably just me!”

Rachel can be contacted by email on: breedonheritage@gmail.com or like us Facebook or Instagram.