Get Involved

Oral history alert! – As part of our project, we want to collect people’s memories of Breedon, especially the church. However, for this we need collectors! We really need people to volunteer, so if you are interested please contact Rachel. If have a particular story you’d like to tell us, please get in touch. You can find us on Facebook or drop us an email.

Friends of Breedon Priory

We need a diverse group of people who will advocate for the building and help to protect it for generations to come.

It doesn’t matter if you go to church or not, believe in God or not. This is a group for those with a special place in their hearts for the building. Perhaps your relatives are buried there, you celebrated significant events there, or you simply love going up there as your ‘peaceful place’.

You can be as involved as much or as little as you want to, but the main role of the group will be to look after the future of the building by fundraising for key repairs (the tower may be safe, but other areas are still slightly creaky!). You could help with occasional events & generally protect the heritage of this amazing ancient monument. The church is the most cherished building in the village, it needs our help in a practical way to keep it relevant for everyone and a place which will attract visitors every day of the week.

If you are interested in joining the group, please email Rachel, our Heritage Officer for more details.

We will be holding a number of events throughout the project which everyone will be welcome to attend. Some social, others looking for volunteers to undertake projects so please come along to find out more.

Refreshments – we are always looking for volunteers who can help on the day of events. Setting up the area, serving hot drinks during the event and generally keeping the area tidy. One event or all of them you will be volunteering as part of a team. Image by